May 22, 2007
On this day:

Fucking Britain

So the British government and police (supposedly) service are continuing to erode the freedoms of and ignore the views of the people they are meant to be serving.

Continuing with the belief that you are a guilty speeder/rapist/kiddie fiddler/necrophiliac until proven otherwise the police are considering requiring council staff, charity staff and doctors to notify them if they believe you to be capable of committing a violent crime. Please pass out the brown shirts to your children and ensure that they are tattooed with their serial number at birth.

Read more on the British Stasi Police asking public bodies to snoop on their customers.

The government, on the other hand, are continuing to ignore the people that voted them in and protested against road pricing, nearly 2 million people signed a petition against road pricing on the government's own website, by pushing ahead and drafting a bill to implement road pricing. Why are they doing this? Because they, or at least one British company, have a vested interest in the Galileo system and that's the only useful thing they can think to do with it.

Read more on the push towards road charging.

Is it any wonder so many Brits are emigrating at one of the fastest rates since the Black Death?

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