May 18, 2008
On this day:

Safety Warning!


ASDA is selling lounge chairs made in China,

and the plastic is very very cheap and thin.
Purchase at your own risk.



May 16, 2008
On this day:

The daughter

Seems that MJ had a daughter. Here's some of her profile.

I was raised in a small rural area in Ontario, where I lived until I was about 18 years old. Other than helping out on the family farm, I spent most of my time studying, reading, or running around the 900+ acres of property my parents owned. I then moved to a larger city to attend university, and I still live and work in said city at this point. I was a very shy girl when I was younger, and mostly kept to myself up until my teens. From puberty on, I was always on the chubby side, much to my dismay at the time.

My breasts started developing when I was ten years old or so; I remember sitting at the kitchen table, doing my homework, and my mother was...

If you're interested you can read more on MJ's daughter

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Speed cameras have proliferated and the underhanded tricks that some police forces and "Safety" Camera Partnerships have performed include:
hiding a speed camera in a camper van
hiding a speed camera in a horse box
disguising a speed camera van as a workman's van

So is it any wonder an Italian motorcyclist was caught with a flip up number plate?

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May 10, 2008
On this day:

At work with


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