June 21, 2005
On this day:

What a week that was

I must apologies to you all, my little cell mates. You must feel like I've been ignoring you for the past week but this is not the case. I have been busy assisting a fellow felon set up their pc, then found out I had a trojan. I eventually got rid of the trojan and decided to upgrade my pc to Windows XP. Course I then had to setup the users so the little street urchins and Mrs C can get on the pc when I'm not around and not worry too much about Damage Inc visiting destruction on the poor pc. I've also had an old pc which I had allocated to the street urchins returned and had to upgrade that to use XP as well.

I then fell prey to a virus myself. The dreaded summer cold infiltrated passed my biological firewall and anti-virus defences and infectd my system with hacking cough popups and snotty nose spyware. I spent most of Saturday and Sunday flailing around in a sticky, slimy pool of phlegmy mucus coughed up by the toxic lakes filling my lungs.

I'm now feeling a bit more human, albeit as human as I can come to, so normalish service is now resumed.

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