May 03, 2005
On this day:

New link sites

Ok, I'm a whore I don't care.

First up, a site that has got me hooked with great writing and one I've already promoted: RukSak. That man can certainly write and he's working on a monster memoir at the moment which is outstanding.

Next we have Angry Chimp, who's got a great strip on daleks and cyborgs. There's also a series of hilarious celebrity obituaries.

Another monkey steps up to the plate over at Confessions of a Monkey with a good post on the sex life of an electron. Seriously though what is it with monkeys?

Lastly, one I found via Herge's site, is Cakesniffers beware!. Apart from an obessesion with her bowel movements, she's got a wacky side which appeals to me. Exhibit one:
Of course May Day is some sort of weird Pagan festival too. Isn't it that one that's going on in the Wicker Man? I wonder what'd happen if I claimed to be a Pagan and burnt down my neighbours' house in the hope that it'd make my garden blossom... Probably wouldn't get away with it.

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